August 04, 2005

Pizazz will make a man out of you. (video/quicktime)

July 30, 2005

Filthy, funny, flawed, gorgeous Blog made up of brilliant little short short short stories.
"It was a call from her best friend that woke her up. ‘Quick, turn on the telly! There’ve been explosions all over London'. She watched in horror as her beloved city was plunged into chaos. Bodies were retrieved, places cordoned off and a deep sense of shock had taken over.
more inside

March 18, 2005

Asbestos, Québec, by any other name? - “There was a time when the people of Asbestos, Que., bore their town's name with pride. Those were the days when asbestos was the miracle fibre that paid for new schools, new homes and new hopes every day.”

January 26, 2005

Yoga: Not a Choice for Christians - At least not Jehovah's Witnesses. Apparently it can lead to demon posession.

December 31, 2004

He's Just Not That Into You: eviscerated

September 15, 2004

White Ninja Comics — For your inner 12 year old boy.

September 13, 2004

To the MAN who DID his hoochie on my hood!!

July 11, 2004

No monkey should be without his or her bananaguard.

May 24, 2004

Cubic Eye 3D user interface and tools. via BBspot.